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Found 183 results for any of the keywords bobbi baby. Time 0.008 seconds.
Design of the Bobbi Baby Shield for post circumcision careBobbi Baby Shield for male infants was designed to retard the colonisation of Staphylococca neonates in post Hypospadias repair or circumcision surgery.
BoBBi Baby Shield is designed for male infants post genital surgeryA key principle employed by the BoBBi Baby Shield is to prevent the ingress of faecal matter onto the surgical site post Hypospadias repair or Circumcision
Bobbi Shield benefits infants post circumcision surgeryInfection Control for infants post Circumcision surgery, is managed using the Bobbi Baby Shield. Highly recommended by Paediatric surgeons and Doctors
5 Easy Steps applying Bobbi Shield post circumcision surgeryHas your baby boy had a Hypospadias repair or circumcision? Bobbi Shield is very effective for post Op hygiene/infection control. A disposable device.
Post Hypospadias or Circumcision Surgery requires infection controlCircumcision care post circumcision surgery and recovery. BoBBI BABY SHIELD keeps your baby boys genitals comfortable, clean and infection free.
Bobbi Shield is placed over the genitals then secured by the diaperBobbi Baby Shield is a single use disposable device worn inside a diaper, discarded with each diaper change. For infection control post circumcision surgery
Faqs For Hypospadias And CircumcisionFAQ s related to using the Bobbi Baby Shield for infection control post Hypospadias or Circumcision surgery. Bobbi Shield is an easy to use and disposable.
Clinical motivation to develop a genital shield for infantsClinical motivation for a Genital shield was stimulated by incidence of sepsis post Hypospadias repair, brought on by the colonisation Staphylococca neonates
Evidence based Medical Research information on CircumcisionMedical evidence based Internet resources for circumcision care or hypospadias repair, health issue and education on good clinical practice
Hypospadias is a birth defect of the penisHypospadias is a birth defect of the penis that may require surgical intervention. Hypospadias repair involves relocating the urethra to the tip of the penis.
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